Whole lesson to educate pupils on HIV and AIDS. Lesson includes:
1. Link to video with Q&A
2. Card Sort
3. Key Facts
4. Sara's Story (Case study)
5. Final Thunk (reflection)
Mature and honest approach to Citizenship / PSHCEE
When marking, pupils can be advised to focus on one of the following targets:
1. Alternative Opinion
2. Expansion of Answers
3. Knowledge
4. Presentation
5. Set their own
6. Spelling
8. Your next step...
Pupils can use the attached files to respond directly to your marking comments
Easily adaptable for all and any subjects!
This particular game is for Religious Studies.
Pupils draw out and describe as many key words in time given (1 minute). Pupils cannot use any part of the word on the card to explain the word. Team mate(s) have to say the word on the card. If the players win the card they keep it.
The most cards won at the end of the game, wins.